Documentary | 24' | 2021
The short documentary NAYA – Der Wald hat tausend Augen follows the life of Naya, a wolf that walked from eastern Germany to Belgium tagged with a GPS collar. The first wolf in Belgium in a hundred years, she suddenly makes headlines – but then her presence takes a mysterious turn. This voyeuristic visual collage of wildlife and surveillance camera imagery captivatingly explores the relationship between humans and this iconic wild animal.
Even by just taking the disembodied point of view of automatic cameras, ‘Naya’ covers an almost incredible amount of ground, and not only geographically: in addition to the relationship between humans, nature and technology, it deals with the effects of commercialism and capitalism, with animals' rights and the increasingly hard-to-justify issue of hunting. But most pointedly it deals with the elusive cushiness of the civilisation that we've built in the West and how we've forgotten that real nature still exists around us.
Read the full review by Talking Shorts here.
NAYA is a coproduction with the Evangelische Omroep (EO), The Netherlands Film Fund and the CoBO Fund.
Director: Sebastian Mulder
Producer: [boondocs]: Jasper Boon
Sound Design: Jacob Oostra
Editor: Nina Graafland
Composer: Eren Önsoy
Motion Graphics: Amos Mulder
Grading: Michiel Rummens
Post-Production: Amator, Jan Jaap Kuiper
Research: Bente Mars
Line-producer: Bente Mars
Poster Design: Peter van Langen
Festival Distributor: Wouter Jansen / Square Eyes
You can watch the film on the videoplatform of The New Yorker.
Dutch viewers can watch the film here.

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PROVINZIALE – Filmfest Eberswalde
CineEco – International Environmental Film Festival of Serra da Estrela
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